Mars and Uranus are stirring up some mischief as the week kicks off. They perfect a conjunction today that built up intensity over the weekend. This can see a stir crazy, exciting, joker vibe that can be slightly unsettling or unpredictable. There’s an electricity building that can see restlessness, impulsiveness, or willful independence, but can also generate new and innovative ideas or be geared up to find a way around a problem or obstacle. It’s a bit wild and unpredictable though, and there can be some loose canons about. The Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn and sesquisquare Neptune craves stability, certainty, and answers, but there’s still more questions than answers and a lack of clarity can see a determination to push for resolution. As the day wears on, the Moon squares Mercury in Leo while trine the Sun in Cancer. There can be a feeling of moral support or backing around challenging issues, but there may be some tensions brewing, especially in the evening, as the Moon opposes Mars and Uranus. There can also be a strong determination to secure something. There can be some confrontations or make or break situations in the works.


The Moon in Scorpio is trine the Sun and Neptune, which shows love, compassion and support, but there can either be a bit of a power battle going on, or some tensions to navigate, as the Moon is also opposite Mars and Uranus, which can see rebellion. It can also just be that someone is innovating or doing things differently. This can see people acting unusual, contending with unusual circumstances, or resorting to unusual approaches or behaviors, to either get a point across, achieve something, or break through obstacles to progress. Things are definitely weird right now. Mars also throws a trine to Pluto into the mix which builds in intensity, and adds further passion, drive, or weird power dynamics into what is already very intense and has taken on psychological thriller or True Crime dimensions. If things get tense or nervy, try to avoid overreacting, or rash behavior. Act in your own interests, do what you can to break free from blockages and oppressive or controlling influences, but don’t do anything that will get you arrested. This can see a lot of creative innovation, weird tangents, schemes or plots. There’s a need here to facilitate breakthroughs. It all seems written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 6:25 PM PST, which trine’s Venus and sextile’s Pluto, while still holding an opposition to Mars and trine to Neptune. This can see more optimism, spunk, joy and pleasure, as people try to get comfortable with the character they’ve been assigned in whatever this weird movie is. 


The Moon in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter while trine Venus and sesquisquare Chiron. This can see big feelings or grand schemes and dreams, and perhaps some overindulgent energy. There can also be some pain, vulnerability, or sensitivity as something can be slightly triggering that prompts escapism and self soothing in one way or another. Running away either into your own world, or through other means. Issues around autonomy, independence, and self possession can be a sensitive subject, and it’s possible someone doesn’t feel free to act authentically or in their own interests. The Sun is sextile Mars and Uranus, semisquare Jupiter, opposite Pluto, and square Chiron. This highlights a strong desire to move ahead and pursue goals, but there may be circumstances to contend with that have either prevented or delayed this, which incentivizes a need to be inventive, resourceful, cunning, or absolutely obsessed and relentless. The Moon in Sagittarius is optimistic and forward thinking, in spite of challenges. This can be tiring at times. Try not to flail wildly or overextend yourself. Timing may be off, or your own or other people’s energy can be a bit low. Tune in to what’s good, and don’t let delays or obstacles demoralize you, especially late evening, when the Moon squares Saturn. 


The Moon in Sagittarius is trine Mercury, and Chiron, and Square Saturn. You may have to take the good with the bad here. For some, it can be a case of getting something you want, but at some cost, or needing to compromise and settle for something that falls short of the mark. There can be some challenges, delays, or a sense of guilt, responsibility and obligation. The Moon goes on to sesquisquare Venus, which can see social or interpersonal tensions. Try to relax, avoid fixating, or pushing your own needs on to someone else. People can feel pressed, oppressed, weighed down, or cut off from others temporarily. There are still opportunities for communications, but it’s possible someone’s honesty can be a bit unsettling, confusing, or it’s difficult for them to speak about (if they do open up) or to be on the receiving end of, (Moon quincunx the Sun, Uranus, and Mars, square Neptune, trine Mercury, sesquisquare Venus.) There may be a subtle avoidance.  Let’s just say these are some weird dynamics or situations. 


The Moon enters Capricorn at 1:14 AM PST. The build up to the Full Moon can be pretty intense with Mars in the final degree fo Taurus strengthening it’s trine to Pluto. There is a strong determination here, but a lot of repressed or stuffed down energy, and a dam can be ready to burst. There can be a high strung energy with Mercury square Uranus, and perhaps some simmering disagreements or competing interests that require mutual sensitivity. Venus sextile Jupiter is larger than life, indulgent, and seeking to milk something for all it’s worth or enjoy the moment. In spite of, or perhaps because of this, relations can be a bit surface level or superficial, possibly due to barely contained simmering tensions or disagreements. This can be a bit of a ticking bomb, as certain truths or realities can’t be glossed over or danced around indefinitely, even if it is out of care and compassion. There can also be some positive breakthroughs in the works. For some it’s either/or, for most, this is a mixed bag of blessings and curses. The stoic Moon in Capricorn does what it can to contain it all behind a cool and steely exterior and not crack under pressure. 


Mars enters Gemini today at 1:43 PM PST, perfecting a trine to Pluto Rx in Aquarius while still in sextile to Neptune and conjunct Uranus. This can see some breakthrough points, and can be a very demanding energy, mentally and physically. Try not to push yourself too hard and overwhelm yourself. There can also be suppressed truths or unavoidable realities to face down, along with a desire to gloss them over, run away from them, or water them down. There can be a bit of an endurance test as the Moon in Capricorn is square Chiron while sextile Saturn and trine Uranus. The Sun opposite Pluto building in strength highlights power struggles and repressed emotional tensions being exposed to the light of day. There is a great deal of pressure in this mathscape, and the Moon in Capricorn represents a stiff upper lip containing a great deal of vulnerability behind it. It’s possible someone has been stoic, over functioning or enduring something beyond a point that is healthy, but there is a strong determination here to regain personal agency or position of control over ones life and break free from undermining influences. 


The Full Moon is exact at 3:17 AM PST, at 29 degrees Capricorn, tightly conjunct Pluto Rx in Aquarius, trine Mars and Uranus, sextile Neptune, and opposite the Sun in 29 degrees Cancer.  This decan of Capricorn presides over power, and is ruled by the 4 of Pentacles in the tarot. A card of self protection, stability, protecting ones own interests, and preserving what’s been attained. The Moon here feels beholden, emotionally and otherwise, to power structures, and power dynamics, and will temporarily sacrifice and minimize it’s own needs and feelings to achieve self sufficiency to minimize feeling indebted, encroached upon, or subject to the demands of others, often at great self detriment. This decan of Cancer presides over the juxtaposition between scarcity and luxury, and is ruled by the 4 of cups in the tarot. A card of repose, contemplation, having a luxury of surplus, and rejecting an offer. With the Sun here, opposing Pluto, there is the ability to achieve an aim, perhaps by sheer will power, force, or pressure, but it could come at some cost or consequence that taints the experience of it's attainment. You could also be on the recieving end of pressure. This gives much to reflect upon. Power, dependency dynamics, and the costs and benefits therin, is a heavily implicated theme under these configurations. Dealing with power figures in the literal sense, such as high level executive decision makers, can also be a factor. This second Full Moon in Capricorn sees a determination to secure (or re-secure) a position of agency and self sufficiency in order to reduce the feeling of being beholden, owned, controlled, or subordinated by someone or something. To reclaim autonomy, authenticity, integrity and self possession. Power disparities may have facilitated exploitative dynamics for some, where vulnerabilities or positions of weakness were transactionally taken advantage of,  or power was abused or misused. For others, there's been a need to make mutually beneficial compromises, or come to a deal.  Finding resolution to unsatisfactory circumstances may have required a temporary subjugation of authentic needs, goals, desires or preferences. Truthful feelings can come to the surface, or things can come to a head in some way. There can be an element of liberation, or illumination. Try to take it easy on yourself and others. There can also be some positive breakthroughs in the works, but it's nonetheless a high pressure landscape. 


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