The Moon enters Pisces at 2:39 AM PST, in preparation for the Full Moon eclipse on Tuesday. This see’s the Moon in trine to Mars, conjunct Saturn, opposite Mercury, sesquisquare Venus, and in minor tension to Chiron, which shows a lot of dynamic activity. This can see some minor tensions but it’s all in the name of solidifying or stabilizing certain situations or nailing down agreements or exchanges. This can throw off certain routines or daily rhythms temporarily however. Evening time can see things get more into a productive groove. 


The Full Moon eclipse in Pisces builds today and climaxes at 7:34 PM PST at 25 degrees. This decan of Pisces is ruled by the 10 of Cups in the tarot, while this decan of Virgo is ruled by the 10 of pentacles. Both of these cards speak of an apex, one of emotional happiness and security, one of material happiness and security. The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune and sextile Uranus, which can see a lot of release, inspiration, surprises, as well as insights into emotional processes. There may be something idyllic about these configurations, and it can feel as if dreams are made possible. For some, it can be bitter sweet, as Pisces also presides over letting go. Although there may be some tensions to circumvent due to the fact that this is a full moon eclipse, the Virgo season reminds us that keeping your feet on the ground and savoring the moment is important. The Sun's opposition to Saturn is swapped out for Neptune, which see's boundaries blurring and a need to let go, embrace what is, what has been, and go with the flow. Mercury follows the Sun's footsteps and opposes Saturn, which can see a tight lipped energy where certain things feel difficult to discuss or are kept on lock altogether. This can also see challenging news in some cases.  Nonetheless, there is new mobility with the configurations freeing up in a sense, to become a bit more fluid. From dense matter, to immaterial.    Taking good care of yourself and tending to the needs of the body and soul, as well as the little things that make life tick along smoothly so that routines don’t become too scrambled will have to be balanced accordingly.There is perfection within imperfection. There can be new, unexpected possibilities to explore, but also a lot of release. Take care not to drop the beat on the things that have made everything possible.


The Moon enters Aries at 2:24 AM PST, where it squares Mars in Cancer. This can see some potential for irritability, so there may be a need for patience. This may also see a boost in energy or motivation, and the impetus to get things done can increase. The Moon goes on to make minor tension with Uranus in the evening, which can see a need to remain open to new possibilities, as something or someone can be causing frustration, pressure, or worries. The Sun trine Uranus and opposite Neptune can see excitement, or accommodating the unexpected. Making room for this and taking some time to ponder instead of acting immediately in hard and fast ways can fair better than forcing the pace. These are inventive and creative aspects, but establishing new routines or navigating novel elements can take some time or experimentation to balance things out.  


The Moon is conjunct Chiron, opposite Venus, and sextile Jupiter today, which can see a silver lining in any tensions or unexpected situations that may have occurred. The Venus-Jupiter trine we saw perfect over last weekend may have brought in some blessings at the last minute which saw certain issues work out better than expected. Although there can be a bit of coasting from these helpful influences, sitting on our laurels isn’t in the cards. The Moon goes on to square Pluto Rx in 29 Capricorn as the day advances into evening, which can see a push for progress. There can be some intense feelings or pressures to contend with, some of which can be quite triggering. The Sun in late Virgo is also honing in on a trine to Pluto, which can see certain situations reaching a breakthrough or crunch point. Today it perfects a trine to Uranus in Taurus, which can see some exciting changes or unexpected situations come to light. There is a lot of willpower to overcome hurdles and see significant progress, but the pressure, real or perceived, particularly from other people, can be felt acutely right now. Try to be patient with yourself or others and aim to relax if you can. 


The Moon enters Taurus at 2:03 AM PST, where it makes minor tense aspects to Mercury and Jupiter, and goes on to sextile Mars in Cancer. This can see some nervous tensions or multitasking as the day begins, but more courage and drive becomes available to make quick decisions that create more security as the day wears on. The Sun perfects an opposition to Neptune today, which can see a good time to go with the flow and gather inspiration. Pay attention to dreams or hunches. Vitality or energy might be slightly lower than normal, but other aspects can tend to make up for this just now. Getting certain people or responsibilities off your back can feel good and make it possible to enter the weekend with a feeling of accomplishment. 


The wee hours of the morning see the Moon sextile Saturn, which can see a need for focus to get certain tasks out of the way. As the day progresses, the Moon makes a trine to Mercury and conjoins Uranus, which can see some good news or surprises. This can generate new ideas, or there can be unexpected visits or communications that can be enlivening or helpful in generating necessary turning points. The Sun and Pluto perfect a trine today, which can feel empowering and in some ways, it can be nice to trust that all is in order and functioning smoothly for the time being. Certain issues are taken care of, so worry about the next hurdle when you cross that bridge. For now, things are going rather well, and this can be rather energizing and inspiring. 


The Moon enters Gemini at 3:24 AM PST, and the Sun enters Libra at 5:44 AM PST. The Sun and Moon form a trine that can feel very upbeat and supportive. It can feel as if the tide is turning and there are hopeful trends on the horizons. Things can feel more manageable. Relationship dynamics can see some intense undercurrents however, as Venus perfects a square to Pluto. This can highlight power dynamics and things can head into edgier waters as Venus slinks into Scorpio at 7:36 PM PST. There can be tacit agreements that help maintain civility and keep things from descending into “eat or be eaten” ruthless survivalism, with Mars and Saturn building a stable trine, and Venus now entering a harmonious water sign that will pair well with Mars and Saturn. Right now can see a point of balance that avoids falling into a tank of piranhas or activating tenuous predator/prey dynamics. Things will go fairly well, as Venus will come into harmony with Mars and Saturn, which can see restored dignity and respect in an ironic cornucopia of milk and honey. Venus entering Sagittarius will be another story altogether, so take care that love, money and pleasure pursuits don’t become a source of tension from the second week of October. 


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