The Sun in Virgo is square Jupiter and opposite Saturn, which conjures the myth of Icarus who flew too close to the sun and melted his wings. Keeping a sense of proportion continues to be challenging, but there is a sweet spot to be found that can open doors of abundance through discipline, discernment and a good sense of timing.  Mercury is now in Virgo once again as well, where it builds a sextile to Mars which will see an increased focus on issues of security, with a keen eye on rationing accordingly, planning ahead, and anticipating any potential issues to avoid them or prevent them from happening in the first place. Mars is being released from a confusing, draining, and escapist square to Neptune, which will see more forward momentum on certain fronts, but the drive towards increasing security continues to remain central. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:26 AM PST, where it squares Mercury and makes a quincunx to Mars, which can see some awkward situations or dynamics that take us out of a comfort zone or require making some adjustments or preparation. A lunar trine to Neptune can see some relief or in the very least make it easier to surrender and go with the flow. There can be some muffled frustrations that tend to remain unmentioned. Tomorrow, optimism can increase, but there will still be something that requires patience or fortitude.


The Moon is sextile Venus, square Saturn, and semisquare Pluto today. There can be some things that are going very well and turning a corner, but there can also be some frustrations, challenges or a need for patience or endurance. Love, money, social situations or matters of pleasure and enjoyment can evoke strong feelings. Things that feel out of balance can feel particularly bothersome. Responsibilities or commitments are in focus and there are inevitabilities that need attending to. As the day progresses, the Moon opposes Jupiter, which can see optimism. We may be tempted to go too far in one direction or another to compensate in some area however. There can actually be good news and things to smile about that boost morale. Avoid too much people pleasing, but also try to avoid any extremes or excesses. Aim to keep your balance and composure, as any undermining or unpleasant influences are temporary and will pass. Although there may be some tensions to navigate this week, Venus and Jupiter build a trine that becomes exact over the weekend, which will see some relief to the more serious tone. A need to maintain a sense of proportion and balance of priorities will continue to be important. 


The Moon in Sagittarius is quincunx Uranus, square Neptune, and trine Chiron as the day unfolds. This can see a need to adjust to confusing undercurrents or uncertain situations that feel unresolved, or perhaps there’s low energy and the body needs some extra TLC. As the day progresses towards evening, tensions can build as the Moon heads towards Capricorn and opposes Mars while still squaring Neptune. This can see some grouchiness, crankiness, or low energy in the face of things that need to get done. The Moon enters Capricorn at 7:38 PM PST, to trine Mercury in Virgo, which can see a desire to improve things, work, get organized, or communicate about essential issues that need attention, healing, or resolving. Giving or receiving help or guidance can be a theme just now, but it can also be easy to find fault or criticize, so try to be gentle about voicing grievances or complaints and avoid over reacting.


The Moon in Capricorn trine Mercury in Virgo and opposite Mars in Cancer can see attention directed towards fixing, healing or improving a situation, post haste. There can be an urgency felt around something, and these configurations are very decisive. Lunar aspects to Hygeia, Vesta, and Ceres highlight issues of health, healing and nurturing. Later on, the Moon makes a minor tense aspect to Uranus, which can see a temporary scramble, excitement, or unsettling energy that requires flexibility, but the evening see’s a more focused atmosphere with the Moon sextile Saturn while square Venus. There may be some issues that require a careful balancing act, patience and smoothing over to achieve more stability. 


The Moon in Capricorn is trine the Sun, Uranus, square Chiron, and conjunct Pluto. Today can see some surprising turning points, and there can be a high pressure atmosphere that can tend to increase feelings of vulnerability. Try to avoid overly demanding situations or people if you’re feeling particularly pressed. Evening time can see some creative or cathartic release, with the Moon trine Uranus, sextile Neptune, and conjunct Pluto, going on to semisquare Saturn. This can see some intense undercurrents and drives, and patience and endurance can be tested. Venus and Jupiter head towards an exact trine, which can bring a much needed levity, harmony and lightness to things. 


The Moon enters Aquarius at 12:53 AM, where it makes minor tense aspects to Jupiter and Mars, while still close to Pluto, which can see a restlessness combined with an equal and opposite frustrating focus on security. Venus and Jupiter perfect a trine at 20 degrees beginning this afternoon and tomorrow, which can see a more expansive, optimistic, and pleasant energy than has been the case. Even if there have been factors limiting enjoyment, we have to be able to live a little and be bit adventurous sometimes. This can be refreshing even if it feels a bit out of place. It can also feel extremely well timed. Evening time can see some dreamy escapism with the Moon semisquare Neptune. It can feel good to unwind and let your hair down.


The Moon is trine Venus and Jupiter, which are perfecting a trine just now. This can see a pleasant and exciting Sunday, although perhaps a bit jarring or unsettling at times as the Moon also makes a tense minor aspect to Mars and squares Uranus. This can shake up comfortable routines, cause domestic tensions, or feel a bit risky or outside of a comfort zone. But perhaps it’s a much needed breath of fresh air that shakes things up in a therapeutic way. It can be a mixture of excitement, pleasant, and unsettling, irritating or energizing. The evening emphasizes the lunar square to Uranus, seeing surprises or nervous tension. It can take some effort to wind down. 


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