The Moon in Gemini is conjunct Jupiter Rx this morning, while trine the Sun and Juno in late Libra and square Neptune. This see’s an optimistic and expansive beginning to the week, but as the week progresses, realism becomes more imperative. The Sun is heading towards an exact square to Pluto, and Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto while squaring the Sun, trine Neptune, and sextile Uranus. This has seen issues of power and control accentuated. Themes of power and powerlessness permeate in the background. Today however, can see moments of harmony, as long as sensitive topics are avoided when the Moon sesquisquare’s Mercury in Scorpio. The Moon enters Cancer at 3:50 PM PST, while square Neptune and quincunx Pluto. There can be confusing feelings bubbling under the surface. Emotional truths can make themselves evident, and a shift is felt in certain dynamics, although it’s not entirely clear what this means.


The Moon is trine Mercury and Saturn, which are also trine one another. This can see stabilizing news, and be good for communications, although things can take on a more serious tone. Being selective with who you communicate can be a theme now, as Mercury in Scorpio is discrete, private, and secretive. Saturn adds a consequential air to things, which aids in discernment. The Sun enters Scorpio at 3:13 PM PST, where it perfects it’s square to Pluto right before it’s ingress. This can see buried tensions come to light, or highlight intense issues, shifts in dynamics, and powerful realizations. The Moon is also semisquare Uranus, which can see some surprises, and it can be challenging but necessary to "get it together." This can see a situation or person that causes worry, instability, or frustration. Try to see things from a different perspective and be open to new possibilities and points of view. There can be potentially triggering situations. Another very energetically demanding day. Rise above distractions, do your best, and try to take extra care of yourself. 


The Moon is conjunct Mars and sesquisquare Venus in Sagittarius, going on to sextile Uranus, trine Neptune, oppose Pluto, and square Chiron. This can see some driven, spicy, but sensitive energies. It’s possible that someone or something has gotten under our skin or got a rise out of us. This can just as easily see a lot of motivation, although it could be hard to avoid the submerged intensity of these aspects with Pluto in 29 Capricorn involved in hard aspects to the Sun, Moon and Mars. This can produce some necessary breakthroughs and lead to necessary personal and psychological growth. Evening time can see a need for patience while the Moon is sesquisquare Saturn. Avoid succumbing to negativity, sadness, or self pity. There can be insights into your own or other peoples emotions that can shed light on negative patterns. This can be uncomfortable or challenging at times, but it can also be valuable and healing. The Moon enters Leo at 10:24 PM PST, where it will go on to trine Venus tomorrow.


The Moon in proud Leo squares the Sun in secretive Scorpio, sesquisquare’s Jupiter in Gemini, and trine’s Venus in Sagittarius. Although there can be some tensions, this can be a good time for breaking emotional patterns and expressing yourself in new ways. The lunar link to Jupiter can tend to be excessive, possibly even overcompensatory. There is a strong drive to expand horizons, increase abundance and enjoy life, and it can feel good to know there are people in your corner, even if not everything is easy or free of tensions just now. Just take care to avoid grandiosity. Venus is Square Saturn, which see’s an air of seriousness and consequence to relationships, pleasure and finances. Facing facts rather than trying to escape reality can bring the most benefits. Hard work can be rewarded. Planning carefully tends to fair better than winging it or gambling on a whim just now. Gratitude can also go a long way to getting the most out of these influences. Focus on what’s good, and don’t lose sight of your long term aims and realistic goals. That being said, there can be some things to feel good about today.


The Moon is trine Chiron, square Mercury, and sextile Jupiter. It can be a good idea to think before you speak, to avoid misunderstandings or getting in over your head. As the day advances, the Moon squares Uranus in Taurus. Someone or something can surprise you. There may be a need to adapt, as routines or plans can change on a whim. It can be a good time to clear out emotional cobwebs. If you can, try and take a moment to pause and connect to your true purpose. 


Venus is sesquisquare Mars and square Saturn. Love, relationships, pleasure and money can be the source of tensions just now. Someone can be dissatisfied with the way you’re handling love situations or finances. Or you may want to spend more than you have, or move forward with love, money, or pleasure initiatives, but the timing isn’t right. Try to be restrained and cautious in your spending habits, and aim to form a plan. The Moon enters Virgo at 8:47 AM PST, where it sextile’s the Sun. If you’ve been feeling stressed, trust your intuition, and either ask for what you need, or pair back your schedule so you don’t overtax yourself. Tomorrow can see some challenges, blockages or delays. 


This Sunday could see some potential for insular somberness with the Moon in Virgo semisquare Mars, opposite Saturn, and square Venus. There can be a need for patience and restraint, or rescheduling, as things can be a little unsettled. Maybe someone is a bit more introverted lately due to a need to recharge. Late in the evening, the Moon squares Jupiter, which can see things go in the opposite direction, with the potential of excess. In either case, Sunday looks potentially awkward, but may be good for thoughtful self evaluation and honest inventory of why things are the way they are.


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