The New Moon in Virgo occurs at 6:56 PM PST at 11 degrees, and is opposing Saturn. This degree of Virgo is ruled by the nine of pentacles in the tarot, a card of independence, self sufficiency, and the material fruits which arise through hard work and dedication. The opposition to Saturn suggests that this can be a preoccupation now, and a particular point of focus. Responsibilities, duties, hard work, frugality, and the sacrifices necessary for achieving certain aims are all themes that come to mind under the configurations of this New Moon. We may not be exactly where we want to be yet, but the opportunity exists to refine processes and make corrections that make attainment possible. The Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces this week can see a need for patience, endurance, thrift, rationing, and economy, but by the weeks end, the outlook can improve. Knowing this ahead of time can help you put strategies into place that can increase your fortitude and make it easier to endure any belt tightening or anything else that might feel less than ideal.


The phrase “it takes money to make money” is conjured under these configurations, and this can be both literal and metaphorical. The Moon in Virgo is still opposite Saturn this morning, but squares Jupiter, going on to trine Uranus, square Mars, and oppose Neptune in the evening, illustrating a path that the Sun and Mercury will also traverse. This can see innovation and experimentation with different approaches, enlightening and revealing perspectives, and teachable moments. Not all of this will be pleasant or easy to digest and metabolise, but it will be full of moral fiber, invaluable experiential wisdom, free of unnecessary additives or artificial flavorings. Mars is currently at the anaretic degree of Gemini, seeing a crunch point of sorts as it prepares to hunker down in Cancer tomorrow. Our own resourcefulness, discipline or adaptability can be something we can pat ourselves on the back about.  Today can see us exploring new possibilities, approaches or applying new insights and recently gained vantage points. This can inevitably lead to certain breakthroughs or epiphanies that strengthen resolve or build solidarity. More balance can be brought to certain situations that have been out of whack for a while, or new understandings can be reached that maybe weren't possible before. Evening time can be good for winding down and doing something relaxing to sooth the nerves. 


The Moon is trine Pluto in 29 Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, while square Mars in 29 Gemini and opposite Neptune this morning, which can see us adapting to new routines or approaches, some of which have been long needed. These anaretic, critical degrees of Mars and Pluto place an accent on power and control, and how it's used (or misused?) There may be important lessons to integrate here, and Mars will further this notion later in the autumn period and on into next year. In some ways today can see us feeling a bit out of sorts, or perhaps other people are behaving differently or throwing us for a loop. There can be the potential for irritation, grumbling, crankiness, or criticism with the Moon square Mars, but this energy is best utilized for making course corrections and improvements to security. The Moon enters Libra at 9:12 AM PST, seeing a conjunction to Venus, which can boost morale and smooth things over nicely, seeing a graceful landing for Mars, which has to make it’s way through a bit of a draining or confused miasma as it squares Neptune while quincunx Pluto. The temptation for some to hold an unfair advantage over others in the interest of self preservation could be a factor, but just as likely there is the opportunity to make adjustments and genuinely confront the shadow or rogue elements of various lower selves. Personal development and emotional growth remain a constant opportunity, but so is taking the blue pill and continuing to eat sludge through a feeding tube that tastes like a five star restaurant steak. Mars enters the zenith of Cancer at 12:46 PM, settling in to a new chart area for a cycle. There may be some frustrations to overcome, and the desire to escape can be strong, so it’s best to direct energy into strategizing. Use it wisely. It will eventually see results one way or another.


Harmonizing awkward or tense dynamics, or uncertain situations or agreements can be a focus as the Moon in Libra is conjunct Venus, while making tense minor aspects to Mercury and Uranus. Pinning someone down to a day, place or time can be of issue.  The silver linings in current situations become more apparent as the day wears on and the Moon forms a generous trine to Jupiter. While it is quincunx Saturn briefly, it can see an opportunity to internally adjust the barometer to certain situations and make the best of things, so aim to see the positives and think constructively. It goes on to oppose Chiron, which can see sensitivity or vulnerability. Take extra care of the body, stay hydrated, and tend well to yourself, as this will make you more resilient both psychologically and physically to any potential tensions, or uncertainties, which will make any interpersonal or social exchanges go much more smoothly.


The Moon is trine Jupiter, going on to sextile Mercury as the day get’s going, which can see communications or even commercial or financial dealings go over well. A lunar quincunx to Uranus can see a need to be open to adapt or act quickly, or set plans into place to get something into motion this weekend. Evening time see’s the Moon build a trine to Mars as it heads into Scorpio at 10:18 PM PST, which can see a boost in motivation, confidence or courage, as something can see a green light, or a plan is agreed upon, although a lunar sesquisquare to Saturn may require some patience, or see some caveat to adjust to. Tomorrow is another story however. “WE RIDE AT DAWN!”


The Moon in Scorpio is trine Mars, square Pluto, and sesquisquare Jupiter this morning, which can see enthusiasm to move something forward or make something happen. This can see a well deserved breakthrough point that can produce a more settled feeling as the weekend closes. It can also see intense feelings or reactions, for better or for worse. There can be more inspiration and faith that things will ultimately go well, regardless of any darker undercurrents. The Sun opposite Saturn is now also square Jupiter, which can see a light at the end of a tunnel. Today can see some reward or gain made possible. Something can be ripe for the picking. 


The Moon is trine Saturn and quincunx Jupiter, which can see a feeling of more stability and assurance. The metaphor here however is that although the fruit has been picked after perhaps a long wait, the challenge now is to avoid gorging and gluttony. Avoid an overcompensatory excess and your future self will thank you. Evening time can see some surprises, excitement or a bit of nervous energy as the Moon opposes Uranus. Try to maintain your equilibrium. Mercury enters Virgo once more at 11:50 PM PST. 


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