The Sun is now in Libra, and Venus is now in Scorpio, while still in square to Pluto, seeing intensity and metamorphosis interpersonally, socially, and in regards to finances and resources. The Sun (and Mercury) still oppose Neptune. This is a good time to let the imagination roam, although this has to be balanced with responsibilities. The Moon is in Gemini today, and makes some interesting aspects. A conjunction to Jupiter, and a square to Saturn, with a tense minor aspect to Venus in Scorpio. This emphasizes the different octaves of extremes possible, while the Sun emphasizes balance and diplomacy. Avoiding excess and over indulgence, while also avoiding deprivation and repression, to seek a balance point that is more realistic is the key to getting the best out of these aspects. That being said, it’s possible to find some enjoyment within responsibilities and obligations. Perhaps creating a better balance between work and self care, play, and rest can be sought after. As the day wears on, there can be more buoyancy, and interesting synchronicities. 


The Moon enters Cancer at 7:50 AM PST, which see’s a lot of emphasis on water just now. With the Sun and Mercury angling towards Neptune, Venus in Scorpio squaring Pluto, and Mars in Cancer harmonizing with Saturn in Pisces, there is a lot of emphasis on feeling and on the creative capacities. Venus in Scorpio prizes authenticity, even if it’s difficult to swallow. However, the angle to Pluto suggests a need to tread carefully, and select your confidants wisely. This shouldn’t be too difficult, with Mars and Saturn in harmony. This aspect is good for consolidation, and with Mars also semisquare Uranus, any urges towards impulsivity can be turned inwards and produce fruitful creative strokes and generate a draw towards unusual projects. The Moon is trine Venus, going on to conjoin Mars, which can see enthusiasm and inspiration. Although the Moon is square the Sun in Libra, which once again see’s a need for balance between following inspiration, and maintaining responsibilities. 


Today see’s the Moon in Cancer conjunct Mars, trine Saturn, and semisquare Uranus, which can see new impulses or initiatives put into practice. On the one hand, these aspects are great for anything that requires endurance and seeing something through, but it’s also excellent for establishing new habits, routines, and rituals. As the day wears on, the Moon squares Chiron, which can see some sensitivity. Try not to run yourself down, and ensure that you’re taking extra care to nurture yourself or those in your care. Tend to your private life this evening and see if there’s any adjustments you can make to get things into better balance. 


Mercury enters Libra at 1:09 AM PST, while still opposite Neptune which edges on entering Aries. Early this morning, the Moon in Cancer is sextile Uranus, trine Neptune, and opposite Pluto, while square Chiron. This can see a sensitive and creative atmosphere, with the potential for powerful feelings under the surface. Allowing some time this morning to meander and explore the feelings or replenish inspiration levels can nourish the soul and feed creativity. It can be difficult to focus just now anyhow, so allowing some space to dream can be surprisingly fruitful. There can be new insights or creative impulses. The Moon goes on to sextile Mercury and sesquisquare Saturn while still opposite Pluto. This can be good for communication, but there may be a need for patience and some restraint at points. Try to avoid succumbing to frustration, negative feelings, or self pity, as these are temporary aspects. The Moon enters Leo at 3:47 PM PST, where it squares Venus in Scorpio while still opposing Pluto, trine Neptune, and sextile Mercury. This can see potential drama (or spiciness.) Self expression and creativity can flow freely, and the inner landscape can be rich.


The Moon in Leo is square Venus in Scorpio, which can see things feeling a little unsettled. As the day wears on, there’s the feeling that these out of sorts feelings need to be adjusted or things need to be reigned in or brought down to earth and put into check a little bit as the Moon is sesquisquare Neptune and quincunx Saturn. There may be a need for some brief reflection or slowing down. There may be a need to change the structures, agreements, or general restrictions embedded into your routines and everyday life. Tomorrow can see some time for enjoyable activities.


The Moon is semisquare Saturn and sextile Jupiter, which see’s a day better suited for relaxing and taking up pleasurable activities, creative hobbies, or recreational pastimes. The Moon goes on to square Uranus and trine Chiron, which can see some surprises. This can be pleasant or uncomfortable, but either way, it can disrupt the normal routines and cause a need to adapt. Evening time can see some tensions, with the Moon semisquare Mars, while quincunx Neptune, which can be quite irritable. Try to take a brisk walk or do something active to avoid rash behavior, draining conflicts, or accidents. There may be some pressures, but energy may be to low to confront them. Conversely, there can be inspiration for a project (or person). 


The Moon enters Virgo at 2:42 AM PST, which can bring things back down to earth as Sunday wears on, but initially it can be pleasant in small but meaningful ways as the Moon is in sextile to Venus in Scorpio. The little things that are going right can be easy to see, and this can generate a lot of gratitude. As the day becomes evening, the Moon opposes Saturn, which can see the carriage turn back into a pumpkin, as responsibilities loom. Tomorrow however, it can be easier than you think to switch gears as the Moon will form a sextile to Mars, which is trine Saturn.  


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