The Moon in Pisces is conjunct Saturn as the week begins, seeing a somber atmosphere weighed down with responsibilities and serious matters to consider. Other tensions in the skies this week add even more complexity to things. Venus opposition Uranus see’s everything changing. The Sun square Mars while opposite Chiron is vulnerable in the face of this, and does it’s best to adapt while trine Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury and Pluto are still in a tight square. All of this combined can see an undertone of significant distress amidst cumbersome responsibilities. Values, contracts and agreements are being redefined, and some people are in a better position than others to call the shots, which they can do at the expense of others in more vulnerable positions, increasing their burdens, potentially hobbling their positions further. The Moon goes on to trine Mars while square Jupiter this evening, which can see more courage and energy to face down challenges and come up with solutions.


The Moon is trine Mars and Venus while sextile Uranus, which can see a boost that is sorely needed. This can see innovative approaches and new ideas which can make changes easier to cope with. Supportive alliances can be a relief and it can feel good knowing that even if things are challenging, there is a loved one on your side. This can come in the knick of time, as the Sun in Libra perfects a square to Mars in Cancer today at 22 degrees, while opposite Chiron, which see’s a crunch point in partnerships or agreements that has been particularly uncomfortable in the face of gross power disparities that have exasperated vulnerabilities (Mercury square Pluto.) The Moon conjoins Neptune and forms a sextile to Pluto. This can see a feeling of relief amidst significant shifts. The Moon enters Aries at 1:34 PM PST, which can shake things up in the lead up to the Full Moon on Thursday.


The Moon in Aries is in minor tension with Venus and conjunct Chiron. This can see certain connections or situations feeling a bit unsettled, but it can also be an emotionally healing time. Certain changes are being necessitated either due to adversity or struggle, or interpersonal disagreements. Action steps must be taken to ensure security while also ensuring independence and freedom from situations that have outworn their welcome and become impediments to growth and success. There are new opportunities on the horizon that can stretch people outside their comfort zone. In many ways, a “comfort zone” has become quite uncomfortable anyhow and no longer sustainable. 


The Full Moon peaks at 4:26 AM PST, at 24 degrees of Aries and Libra. This decan of Aries speaks of the power of art to overcome hostility. The hippy placing a rose into the barrel of a loaded gun is an apt description of this decan of Aries. Associated with the 4 of wands in the tarot, a card of stability, harmony, harvest, peace, and artful celebration. Bonds are forged and cemented and/or broken in spite of and because of hostile conditions. This decan of Libra is associated with the 4 of swords, called “Truce” in the Book Of Thoth, and “Rest from strife” in Book T. Speaking of peace and recovery after battle, conflict, suffering and strife. The poetic irony is this Full Moon’s square to Mars in Cancer while conjunct Chiron. Mutual vulnerability amidst hostile or difficult conditions can break and forge alliances. Being a Full Moon, something is being phased out. Ruled by Venus, we look to the condition of Venus to see more to this story. Venus is currently opposite Uranus, trine Neptune, and sextile Pluto, and enters Sagittarius at 12:18 PM PST. There is a liberation process here which takes one out of undermining situations, and into new, unknown terrain. There are certainly tensions to confront, and the Moon enters Taurus at 1 PM PST, opposite Mercury and square Pluto, while conjunct Hygeia. This can see some power dynamics to grapple with, but the goal is healing and liberation. 


The Moon in Taurus is sextile Saturn this morning, which can see stability and is good for establishing a new precedent. Serious and practical considerations are highlighted. As the day wears on, the Moon goes on to sextile Mars in Cancer while conjunct Uranus, which can see promising developments that help assist those in vulnerable positions and make transitions easier. There can be some surprising developments. A lunar quincunx to the Sun in Libra and opposition to Venus can see certain dynamics that are out of sorts. Try to relax and avoid conflicts. The Moon trine Pluto can see an eventful time, with a lot of intense undercurrents and changes. There can be a lot to take in and adapt to. Creative changes can be inspiring, although challenging you outside of a comfort zone. 


The Moon strengthens it’s opposition to Venus while trine Pluto all morning as it heads into Gemini at 1:07 PM PST, which can see developments and significant shifts in relationships and agreements to adapt to. Everyone needs to be able to find a manageable flow and forge agreements that minimize suffering, complications, and impede progress, especially if there are dependents or other casualties involved that would be directly affected. This requires an adaptable frame, and an openness to new ideas, opportunities, and connections. Keeping everything running smoothly and meeting obligations amidst shifting landscapes will require considerable dexterity.


Today can require some patience, as there can be some delays, challenges or frustrations that create blockages and increase difficulties when your plate may already be full. The Moon is in tension with Saturn and Pluto. If someone has had the ability to make your life more difficult than it already is just to assert their dominance, they may attempt to display this ability once more. There can also just be some tensions, stresses, or strains to navigate. This eases up this evening considerably as the Moon conjoins Jupiter, which can bring a sense of levity and optimism amidst any uncertainties.   


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