The Moon in Libra is trine both Jupiter and Venus today, while opposite Chiron and in minor tension with Saturn. This can see a desire to take the mind off of troubles and cultivate some peace and joy. The Mercury/Jupiter opposition will be exact once more, for the third and final time this year this week. This happens while it strives to overcome a square to Saturn, which see’s a need for faith and optimism to triumph over adversity, challenge and pessimism. Venus seeks something different in Aquarius, and this week builds a square to Uranus to shake things up.


The Moon trine Venus and opposite Chiron is sensitive and seeking to spread joy, good cheer, and to make things more pleasant. This is just as well, as many people are celebrating the annual holidays just now. There can be some touching experiences or things to feel happy about.


The Moon enters Scorpio at 12:06 AM PST, where it is sextile the Sun while square Mars and Pluto. This can see some strong emotions, but this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. There can simply be a lot of activity today, with some profound changes in the works. The Moon builds a trine to Saturn while sesquisquare Neptune this evening, which can see things settle down for a cozy evening. 


Mercury perfects it’s third opposition to Jupiter today at 13 degrees. The square Mercury makes to Saturn will perfect tomorrow. Having faith and optimism in the face of any challenges is a theme. There are realities to address, and things can be a little strange or up in the air right now, but there are opportunities to release misgivings and release the need for everything to be perfect and just allow them to be as they are. This can be liberating in and of itself, and it’s very possible someone or something can surprise you.


The Moon in late Scorpio grows a bit restless and unsettled early this morning. It seems to be up to a bit of early AM edge lording with a square to Venus in Aquarius and an opposition to Uranus, which can be insightful and beneficial, bringing lucky breaks, sudden illuminations, and perfectly timed innovations. Ice cold. Crisp. Refreshing. Unfuckwithable peppermint undertones. The Moon builds a trine to Mars and sextile to Pluto as it heads into Sagittarius at 11:46 AM PST. There can be a desire for a pleasure trip, or increased momentum, but there are also responsibilities, delays or challenges to wrap up. There can be serendipitous breakthroughs that challenge established norms, ruts or unhealthy patterns. Venus perfects a square to Uranus today, further emphasizing the weird and the wonderful. Things can feel a bit unpredictable or unstable, as swift changes are being made that can see the resolution to longstanding issues. Invigorating.


The Moon in Sagittarius conjoins Mercury, opposes Jupiter and squares Saturn. Even if there are blockages or challenges, there are creative ways to find enjoyment and bide your time. In some ways, limitations or delays have been blessings in disguise. The Moon goes on to trine Chiron, which has been retrograde for a very long time. It will station direct tomorrow afternoon, bringing a close to a long journey of exercising old ghosts from your blood and tripping over triggers which were all too familiar. The wisdom of experience can now bequeath unto you the fruits of your struggle bus. A beleaguered yet refined palate now produces more informed and masterful approaches. These improved techniques have produced medicinal elixirs which have marinated in an assortment of artesianal sorrows and then expertly seasoned over the open flames of finding out.


The Moon in late Sagittarius is sextile Venus in Aquarius, and goes on to square Neptune. This see’s the majority of Sunday in an imaginative, dreamy mode, with an eye on future possibilities. We are about to close out the last month of the year to begin a fresh chapter, and next week see’s a New Moon at 9 degrees Capricorn to auger in the fresh slate. If you feel under some pressure as January 2025 saunters in, aim high, and just do your best. Use the "Pygmalion Effect" to your advantage.   


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