Astrology for the week of Dec 30 2024-Jan 5 2025


We begin the week with a New Moon in 9 degrees Capricorn at 2:27 pm pst. This face of Capricorn is presided over by Jupiter, and is associated with the 2 of pentacles in the tarot, a card of adapting to change and handling many activities at once, -with the instinctive grace of an autonomic nervous system. Jupiter itself is considered to be in it’s fall in Capricorn, because here, Jupiter is challenged by the task of mastering many things simultaneously, while fitting itself into time constraints, moving within the bounds of dense, physical reality. The New Moon is strongly conjunct Pallas, and angles awkwardly towards Venus and Uranus, which suggests a need for grounding and wise strategy in the midst of feeling in transition. A useful compass at this new Moon is that if something feels forced, rushed and doesn’t come automatically like breathing, blinking, or farting does, wait until it does. No amount of sitting on the pot with a fervid and passionate belief will summon forth a dookie before it’s rightful time. We look both forwards and backwards in this face, to maneuver a flow state through liminal space. As the day wears on, you’re free to either change plans, proceed as scheduled, or slow down to find a secret, third way. “Do it or do not do it. You will regret both.”-Soren Kierkegaard


The Moon is trine Uranus and square Chiron, which can see a “feel the fear and do it anyway” kind of start to the day. It’s kind of like standing on a diving board and staring at the pool to adjust to the idea of diving in for a while. Pressure begins to grow as the Moon conjoins Pluto, but inhibitions can begin to lose their grip with the Moon sextile Neptune. Towards evening, tension builds, and the Moon opposes Mars. Mars and Pluto are also at an exact opposition once more, which can see some “now or never, do or die” sentiments. There can be a lot of prevaricating this New Years Eve, and some conflicting desires surrounding when, how or whether to do something. Perhaps there’s been a lot of thinking about it, a long delay, or other issues of timing. Try not to overthink things too much. Do what comes naturally and makes you feel most free. The Moon will enter futuristic Aquarius to conjoin Pluto after midnight anyhow, so by that point, what’s done is done. Out with the old timeline, in with the new. Welcome to 2025. 


It’s only apropos we kick off 2025 with the Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto, while Mars Rx in 1 degree of Leo opposes Pluto. Pluto will occupy the house ruled by Aquarius in your chart for more or less the next couple of decades, so this will be a point of intensity for some time to come. It’s highlighted rather intensely as we kick off a new month, year, and decade. This is a whole new era, and there’s something decidedly different about it, but try not to let it intimidate you. The Moon forms a trine to Jupiter, which can see excitement around new plans and possibilities. A lunar conjunction to Ceres can highlight a caring female figure or feminine influence, from within the family, or within the social sphere. Someone or something can inspire new healthy routines, habits, environments, or possibilities. There’s definitely aspirations to branch outward and upward, put your best foot forward into a new era, and ask for more from life, but also to offer it more in return.


The Moon is trine Jupiter and sextile Mercury, which can see an expansive and talkative atmosphere or a lot of ideas are percolating. Venus is in anaretic degree of Aquarius, making a quincunx to Mars, which can see tensions regarding love, money, or pleasure pursuits. Perhaps current desires exceed available funds, or acting on something requires more patience, restraint, or financial planning. Some adjustments simply need to be made. Try to keep a positive attitude. Changes in social, financial, business, or romantic relationships, or perhaps even upgrades to certain situations can be surprising. Positive news or new directions open up new potentials and possibilities. Stay attuned to synchronicities. Venus enters Pisces at 7:24 PM PST. The planet of love, money, pleasure, and creativity is exalted in the sign of Pisces. At approximately 10:25 PM PST, Venus and the Vertex conjoin exactly at zenith degree of Pisces. Although the Vertex is just a mathematical point, it’s significance is associated with the opening and closing of doors, where people in our lives arrive and leave, and where fated events begin and end. This Venus cycle will renew hopes, fantasies, and inspiration where Saturn has been reality testing and chiseling away to master a vision. 


The Moon enters Pisces at 7:21 AM PST, to conjoin Venus while quincunx Mars. There can be some interesting diversions, or a strong desire for them. It can feel like a good time for a good time. With the Sun exactly conjunct Pallas, there can be a focus on longterm financial strategies, investments, transactions, aims, or partnership agreements. With the Moon heading towards Saturn, there can be serious undertones or an element of time, patience, consequence, or challenges in the background. Mars at an awkward angle to Venus just now can see a fine line between pleasure and pain, and there’s a need to tread carefully as there can be accidents waiting to happen surrounding impulses, ambitions, desires, or the drive towards maximizing pleasure or gains. Try to enjoy the finer and more subtle realms and avoid the belief that more is always better. Mind that a desire towards escapism doesn’t lead you into trouble, suffering or accidents, especially with Mars opposite Pluto bringing out extremes. 


The Moon sextile the Sun, in tension to Mars, square Jupiter, conjunct Saturn, and semisquare Pluto can see some intense undercurrents or “hidden boogie men”. It’s important to respect your own mortal limits to avoid whiplash from impulsive missteps or getting in over your head. Better to channel this energy into tackling things you know need to be done anyway as opposed to misguided flailing in an attempt to escape transient dark clouds or temporary moods. 


This morning can see some positive escapism or some desires to make some big changes. The Moon enters Aries at 11:01 AM. You may know that certain aspects of your life need some revision and necessary adjustments. This can surround taking better care of yourself or a loved one, or making changes to how you seek pleasure or enjoyment so that you’re working with and not against others (or your own best interests for that matter). The drive towards excitement or escape could use a little discipline, direction, and reconsideration. Mars Rx will move back into 29 degrees of Cancer tomorrow morning, highlighting a necessary gear shift, and a need to reign in some more wild impulses that simply carry too much consequence. Aiming to simplify matters to focus on what’s most important will be the wisest strategy. Accomplish what you can, and try to relinquish attachment to whatever is inessential or counterintuitive to your longterm aims for the next while. 


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